March 12, 2025

The Penobscot Indian Nation currently faces a historically significant and alarming territorial removal attempt.

In December of 2015, a U.S. District Court Judge decided on the highly controversial and historic case, Penobscot Nation v Janet Mills, Attorney General for the State of Maine. The Judge ruled in favor of the State of Maine’s opinion that the water of the Penobscot River, which flows through Penobscot Nation Tribal territory surrounding their reservation’s 200 islands, is NOT part of the Penobscot Nation. This directly contradicts previous treaty agreements, and threatens the Tribe’s deep ancestral and cultural ties to the river.

Today, the Penobscot Nation and their allies continue this legal fight for the centuries-long Tribal stewardship of the River.

There are no better caretakers of the Penobscot River than the Tribe whose connection and devotion to the river is inherent. The Penobscot Nation’s Water Quality Department works hard to keep the river healthy, implementing higher water quality standards than those of the State, so that future generations will be able to safely eat fish. Tribal Wardens patrol the river, enforcing the very same laws as State Wardens, ensuring that everybody, whether they be native or non-native, can safely enjoy a beautiful day out on the river.